Effective 1 October 2021, the CCF Basic Support Grant is a package of essential grants for co-ops that are unable to meet the eligibility criteria which applies to most CCF grants (i.e. positive net worth and made CCF contributions). The funding quantum and caps are specified below:

Qualifying Expenses
(Funding Quantum up to 80% of actual expenditure) 
Cap at (per co-op, per annum) Eligibility
Statutory audit expenses $2,000 (per grant eligibility period) 

Negative net worth and/or did not contribute to the CCF due to operating deficit based on latest audited financial statements 

Bookkeeping/ accounting services
Training expenses 

Training expenses (short-term courses, seminars and conferences only);

• Negative net worth and/or did not contribute to the CCF due to operating deficit based on latest audited financial statements
• Must not be dormant, i.e. no reported revenue (audited) from core business for the past 2 consecutive financial years  

PDPA expenses

$5,000; (cumulative)

Cybersecurity expenses (for ABCD solution)

$5,000 (per grant eligibility period) 

* PDPA refers to Personal Data Protection Act 2012



Unless otherwise indicated, the qualifying expenses, prerequisites and conditions for the Basic Support Grant would mirror those for the similar grants under the CCF Grant Framework. For example, the same prerequisites and conditions for CCF Training Grant would apply to claims for training expenses under the Basic Support Grant. However, the cap under Basic Support Grant is lower, and claims may only be made for short-term courses, seminars and conferences.


To apply, please download application form and submit:

1. Following worksheet tabs in the Application Forms:

     • CCF Basic Support Grant Front Page
     • CCF Basic Support Grant - Summary
     • Any other tabs applicable

Kindly ensure every single worksheet tab submitted is signed.

2. Supporting Documents e.g. invoices, receipts, certificates etc.

Completed documents are to be sent via email to your respective Relationship Manager (SNCF affiliates) or email us.

Alternatively, you can send via post to

CCF Secretariat
Singapore National Co-operative Federation 
510 Thomson Road 
#12-02 SLF Building 
Singapore 298135

Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents 99% of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.
