Form a Co-op

Co-ops do businesses differently. Best suited for those who want to challenge the status quo or are fuelled to do good.

Take “doing well and doing good” on a whole new level by forming a co-op with SNCF. Our team is dedicated to promoting and developing sustainable co-operative enterprises. As the backbone for the Singapore co-operative movement, we provide co-ops with support in strengthening capability development in areas such as governance, marketing, training, HR, and IT, as well as the opportunities to connect with other co-operative bodies.

Make the difference and get in touch with us today!

Work With Us on Just 4 Simple Steps

Gather at least 5 persons who wish to set up a co-op

To form a co-op, the minimum membership requirement of at least 5 persons or 2 institutional members, each of whom qualifies and is willing to take up membership.

A Pro-term Committee, comprising 3 or more members, needs to be set up.

This committee:

•  Undertakes the feasibility study of the proposed co-op. A viability statement consisting of the business plan and the financial projections (at least 3 years) is to be prepared.

• Consider the society’s objects and by-laws, and

•  Draft by-laws
Spotlight social mission & formulate business plan

The proposed co-op ought to promote the economic/social interests of its members and/or the economic/social interests of the general public, in accordance with co-op principles; it should also have sufficient capital for the commencement of operations and have in place the required organisational and management structure to oversee the operations of the proposed co-op.

The Pro-term Committee is required to seek the Registrar’s comments and submit:

1. The Viability Statement

2.Individual members’ details, like: name, NRIC number and occupation

3. Draft By-laws for the Registrar’s approval, based on the requirements in the Schedule of the Co-operative Societies Act

Learn more about Model of By-laws:

Model By-laws (Non-Credit)
Model By-laws (School)
Pilot first team huddle session

After obtaining the Registrar's comments, a Preliminary Meeting of at least 5 persons qualified for membership, is convened to:

1. Adopt the By-laws which have incorporated the Registry's) comments.

2. Pass the resolution to accept all the rights, duties and liabilities prescribed by the By-laws.

For more information, click:
Qualifications for membership

Submit application

Upon registration, the Pro-term Committee shall continue to manage the affairs of the co-operative society, until the First Meeting of its members (which is held not later than 3 months after receipt of the Notice of registration). The business of the first meeting shall include the election of officers who shall serve until the first annual general meeting.

To download the application forms, click here

Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents 99% of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.
