Looking to step up your game to do well and to good as co-operators? The Emerging Leaders Programme (ELP) is where you get to learn from great mentors, network with other co-op leaders, exchange and crystalize ideas that can benefit the co-op movement.

Our End Game? Develop a pool of Emerging Leaders for the Movement over 5 years

What’s in it for me?

Meet like-minded individuals who are ready to empower communities like yourself
Exchange and co-create initiatives that can benefit the greater good
Opportunities to learn from international co-operators on how co-ops do well and do good overseas


 “The programme is also useful for building relationships. I get to know people from different co-op sectors, with different expertise.” 

Dr Aziz Noordin, GP+ Co-operative

Commonly Asked Questions

It can be anyone in the co-op who has shown leadership potential or aspire to be one. He/She may be a senior executive, service leader, team lead, new supervisor. The definition of a leader can be broad, and it is not defined by age, gender or working experience.

As our co-ops vary in different industries and context, we believe the co-ops are in the best position to determine the most suitable person for the programme. SNCF does not impose additional criteria or restriction such as designation, age, or years-in-service. There is no review of nominees by SNCF.

You must be able to attend a 3D2N leadership camp on 1 - 3 March 2024. From April to July, you work with other co-operators (online or meetups) at your own time to work on a mini group project.

Click here to indicate your interest or to nominate someone to attend our info session.

Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents 99% of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.