The CCF Training Grant provides funding for courses, seminars and conferences to help co-operative officers improve their knowledge and learn relevant skills for the running of their co-operative. The funding quantum and caps are specified below:

  Co-operatives with positive net worth and made contributions to CCF1
Qualifying Expenses Funding Quantum Cap at (per co-op, per grant eligibility period)
Short-term Courses, Seminars and Conferences (local) 80% of the actual expenditure


Short-term Courses, Seminars and Conferences (overseas)


Long-term Courses (finance, banking, accounting, business or marketing)


Long-term Courses (professional studies)


Long-term Courses (other courses)


Or would have made contributions to CCF if not for any waivers of CCF contribution granted.



a.   The Co-operative must be registered with the Registry of Co-operative Societies.

b.   The Co-operative is not receiving or has not received any other grants from the CCF, government agency and/or other organisation for the same expense item.

c.   Key appointment holders of the Co-operative such as any member of the Committee of Management (COM), Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, or an equivalent position with necessary decision-making power or officer who is authorised to sign for the Co-operative (authorised officer) have signed on grant applications. The signing by key appointment holder or authorised officer will be taken as support or endorsement by the Co-operative’s COM.

d.   Grant applications submitted are for expenses incurred not more than 12 months ago.

e.   The Co-operative must not have outstanding CCF contributions or late payment penalties.

f.   Grant must only be used for the Co-operative’s expenses. It cannot be used for its subsidiary (if any) that is registered as a company.

g.   The Co-operative must submit the invoice and proof of payment to the training provider.

h.   Training courses (short-term or long-term) must be relevant to the co-operatives’ business and operations. The CCF Secretariat has the right to reject claims for courses that are deemed irrelevant.

i.   For short-term courses, seminars, and conferences:

      Applicable to courses, seminars, and conferences:

      • By Institutes of Higher Learning (IHL);
      • By training providers listed in SkillsFuture SG website; or
      • Supported by government agencies.
      • By the Singapore institute of Directors 2.

      The Co-operative is to provide a certificate of attendance or other documentary proof upon completion of the course or evidence of attending the seminar or conference.

j.   For long-term courses (for staff and Committee of Management):

      • Officers must have worked or served in the Co-operative for at least one year.
      • The Co-operative can only claim for expenses incurred while the officer is serving or working in the Co-operative.
      • The Co-operative is to provide a certified true copy of degree or diploma.
      • Letter from the Co-operative’s Chairman, CEO, CFO or COO to confirm employment, or position held in the case of Committee of Management, and length of service.
      • Copy of the employment contract.


To apply, please download application form and submit:

1. Following worksheet tabs in the Application Forms:

     • CCF Development Grant Front Page
     • CCF Development Grant - Summary
     • Any other tabs applicable
Kindly ensure every single worksheet tab submitted is signed.

2. Supporting Documents e.g. invoices, receipts, certificates etc.

Completed documents are to be sent via email to your respective Relationship Manager (SNCF affiliates) or email us.

Alternatively, you can send via post to:

CCF Secretariat

Singapore National Co-operative Federation 
510 Thomson Road 
#12-02 SLF Building 
Singapore 298135

2 This is applicable to courses attended/completed by co-op officers on and after 1 October 2023.

Who we are

SNCF is the apex body of Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, and secretariat of the Central Co-operative Fund (CCF). Formed in 1980 with the aim of championing Singapore’s Co-operative Movement, the apex body represents 99% of co-operative members in Singapore through its affiliated co-operatives.
